acopulos design

Brendan Acopulos

Graphic designer

Case Studies

Odyssey Vault

Rebranding/ Print/ Digital/ Rebranding/Packaging/ UX UI

Odyssey Vault is a flash memory company determined to help you set out on your journey and capture it. This project is a rebranding based on SanDisk.


Luxury body soap. Packaging/ print.

GLÆD is a luxury vegan soap made from organic cruelty free materials. Designed for guilty free self-care on a elevated level.

Brochure Editorial:

Segue Editorial. Typesetting/ print

Segue by ZIG properties is a brochure set to inform about a newly renovated historic old broadcasting house in Buda-Pest. The new apartment complex aims to curate a creative and refined community.

Brand identity:

Radiant Rooms. Print/ Branding/ UX UI

Radiant Rooms is a developed brand identity for a cleaning service based in Wellington NZ. Friendly, Personable and positive, the goal is to create a service for hard working yet social millennials their lives fully.